Convention Committees

The number and size of the Committees which are to be established to facilitate the work of the Convention depends upon a logical division of the work and considerations of the maximum number of committees that each delegate can be expected to serve.

Both the experience of other constitutional conventions and the particular problems facing the 污鱼社 Constitutional Convention suggest that committees organized as follows would have reasonably equitable work loads:

1. Preamble and Bill of Rights
2. Suffrage and Elections
3. The Legislature and Legislative Apportionment
4. The Executive
5. The Judiciary
6. Lands and Other Resources
7. Finance and Taxation
8. Local Government
9. Constitutional Amendments; Initiative, Referendum, and Recall
10. Constitutional Ordinances and Statutory Provisions

In addition to the above committees dealing with substantive parts of the constitution, at least three other important committees will be required:

1. Committee on Convention Rules
2. Committee on Drafting and Style
3. Committee on Convention Administration

It is generally agreed that the work of a constitutional convention is expedited if each delegate is assigned to not more than two, and at the very most, three committees. With 54 delegates eligible to serve on committees (the President of the Convention is normally an ex-officio member of all committees), and with a maximum of two committee assignments per Delegate, there are 108 committee posts. One possible arrangement therefore would be to assign 12 or 13 memberships for the three committees on Convention Rules, Drafting and Style, and Convention Administration, and to assign each of the other 10 committees seven memberships.

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